
i miss the words,
but not the pain
i miss the paper that cut my skin but bandaged memories
i miss laying in a tangle of sheets and pen ink that stained my body
and the way i could empty myself into a little painted book
now we meet on silent streetlights
and we laugh and fill the air
little jezebels drunken in basement cafes and the men wave from their cars and leave
and the girls forget and drum their boots down coke-lined sidewalks, wet tile
there is nothing inside now,
infertile from little pills,
like the cicadas we die prophetically,
como la cigarra said the girl,
so she emptied her stomach into the sink and undressed herself to bathe,
to wash and drain music too beautiful,
music she did not want to feel,
music like a gilded street in a dirty city
baltimore, three years ago and i was another child,
heat like oil from which they crawl and fly and shed their shells, heat that pressed against my body
we are insects born and gone again